Friday, August 29, 2008

Transitioning from Summer into Fall

As I head into Labor Day weekend, I think of all the fun we had this summer and the new chapter that will begin next week. This is the first year I will have all 3 children in school 5 days a week.

Life ebbs and flows for us and the seasons traditionally mark the passage of time. One great way to celebrate your life is by establishing traditions. Traditions give us anchors in our lives that we can depend upon year after year. Why not start a tradition in your family that helps the children transition from Summer Vacation back to School? Here are a few ideas but I'd love to hear what you do too! Please share!

*Back To School Ice Cream Social-invite friends you haven't seen all summer and have a social for all the kids to get back in touch and get excited about going back to school

*Back To School Shopping-as a kid I loved the chance to start fresh with new folders, lunch boxes, pencils, erasers. Involve the kids in this activity and have them select all their items personally. Have them label everything and pack up their packs for the first day of school.

*Best & Worst-We have a dinner time tradition of going around the table and saying our best and worst thing that happened that day. This week, I'm having the kids do a "Best & Worst" for Summer Vacation and illustrate it. We will then create a book of summer photos, their entries and any other items we'd like to remember from this summer.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Jumping In With Both Feet!

I've heard for quite a while that I must have a blog, so here I am, "Jumping in with both feet", into the blogosphere! First and foremost, I thank you for taking the time to visit The Blue Top Hat® blog. I am CEO & Co Founder of The Blue Top Hat®, an innovative gift company.

As I create this new blog you can expect to see:

  • Ideas for Celebrating your Life, Everyday, Past, Present & Future
  • Wonderful Gift Ideas to Buy and Make
  • My Favorite Things
  • Tales from the Life of a Mompreneur®
  • Inspirational Stories
With each entry I will bring you information about creating a special place in your life for the Celebrations that bring joy and meaning to our lives. Please comment! Tell me what you love, what you hate, and what you want to see more of. I look forward to sharing my passion for living life to the fullest each and every day!


Kendall Morris